InterComparison of Internal DOSE assessment #2

Instructions for the participants

Step 1: At the bottom of this page, you find case-specific information and the provided data. The data will be available once you accept the payment declaration. To access the data, enter the email address you used for registration, and the cases will be sent to you within a few minutes.

Step 2: The email will contain all relevant information and data for the cases. File names are automatically filled in, so you do not need to modify them. Some data in the questionnaire form, such as the participant ID, will also be pre-filled.

Step 3: Once you have assessed the cases and completed the questionnaires, send them to before the deadline.

Case descriptions

Case 1

This case study focuses on the individual monitoring of a worker involved in source production within a hot cell environment. Due to the potential risk of internal contamination with Cs-137, a 365-day monitoring program was implemented to ensure safe working conditions.

The case objectives

  1. The primary objective of the case is to calculate, for regulatory purposes, the committed effective doses due to occupational intakes of a radionuclide in the course of six years of worker's activity.
  2. Provide values for intake and committed effective doses for all monitoring periods.
  3. Correctly evaluate the contribution of previous, already assessed intakes, to following measurement results.
  4. Identify the point within TECHREC at which the assessment of each monitoring period concludes: i.e. identify the Step within ISO 27048, or Stage and Step within IDEAS Guidelines ver2.

Case 2

A plumber from the technical staff of the hospital was asked to repair an obstructed toilet evacuation system, which led to flooding in the restroom. The plumber remained in the room until the leakage was resolved. After the effluent was evacuated, radioactive contamination (I-131) was confirmed in the toilets. Following the incident, the worker was decontaminated with showers and urine collection was initiated.

The case objectives

  1. The primary objective is to calculate the intake and the committed effective dose of a worker from urine and thyroid measurements based on ICRP OIR documents.
  2. Correctly evaluate which incorporation pathway should be chosen to assess internal dose.
  3. Identify which monitoring data should be used for dose assessment, weather the measurements in the thyroid can be included in the calculation.
  4. Identify which physico-chemical form should be considered for the incorporated material.
  5. Identify the final step in TECHREC and IDEAS Guidelines.

Case 3

Routine assessment monitoring was conducted during maintenance work between fusion runs to check for the presence of low-level HTO (tritiated water) in the workplace.

The case objectives

  1. Calculate the total intake and committed effective dose over the six-month monitoring period.
  2. Calculate the intake and the committed effective dose for each month during the monitoring period.
  3. Identify the final step in TECHREC and IDEAS Guidelines.

Case 4

In this case study a process operator felt a sharp jab on his left ring finger while wrapping waste in a glovebox. Surface alpha contamination was detected on the outer PVC glove near the affected area. The operator was treated at a medical facility, where the wound revealed Am-241 contamination, so further cleaning of the wound site was carried out by medical staff. Excision of material was made on the subsequent days and a series of measurements were completed to establish the location of the remaining contamination in the wound. Daily urine samples were also collected and analysed for Pu-239,240 and Am-241.

The case objectives

  1. The primary objective is to assess the committed effective dose from Pu-239,240, Pu-241 and Am-241 following a wound in which a medical intervention (excision) took place to reduce activity at the wound site.
  2. To make an initial estimate the committed effective dose based on early measurements of Am-241 activity at the wound site and information on the relative abundance of radionuclides and chemical form of the exposure material.
  3. To implement an appropriate methodology to calculate the committed effective dose, taking into account the material excised from the wound site.
  4. To determine whether it is necessary to consider the local dose to skin at the wound site.

Case 5

In a laboratory handling S-35 isotopes, a female worker of childbearing age, who is regularly monitored by urine analysis every 30 days, was potentially exposed to a release of S-35, on the morning of April 10, 2023. To assess potential incorporation, she was immediately asked to provide a 24-hour urine sample. It was later confirmed that she was pregnant, with the date of conception estimated to be before the incident. Three additional urine samples were collected after the incident for further analysis.

The case objectives

  1. Calculate the intake from the whole set of measurements and estimate the committed effective dose and corresponding uterus dose for the worker.
  2. Estimate the expected dose for the offspring at the time of birth using the intake calculated from the whole set of measurements.
  3. Estimate the total committed dose to the offspring using the intake calculated from the whole set of measurements.
  4. Make an initial estimate of intake from the first measurement and calculate the corresponding committed equivalent dose to the uterus.
  5. Estimate the committed effective dose for the worker resulting from the measurement of the sample from the 12 April 2023.

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